Moses the Black (also known as "the Strong" and "the Ethiopian") was a fourth century Egyptian monk, spiritual leader, priest and advocate of non-violence. He was born into the service of an Egyptian government official. After being discharged for robbery, Moses formally entered a life of crime, leading a notorious gang of murderous thieves. Running from the law, Moses took refuge with a desert monastic order near Alexandria. He was so taken by their way of life that he became a Christian and joined their order.
One night, Moses was attacked in his room by bandits. He overpowered the four men, tied them up and drug them to the chapel where he told his brothers that, "he didn't think that as a Christian he should hurt them -- but that he wasn't quite sure what to do with them." The four criminals were converted and also joined the desert community at Scetes.
When a fellow monk was charged with committing an infraction, a meeting was convened to decide on the appropriate punishment. Moses refused to attend. When asked again to attend, Moses arrived carrying a leaky bag of sand over his shoulder. When asked by his brothers why he was carrying the bag of sand, he replied, "My sins run out behind me and I do not see them, but today I am coming to judge the errors of another." Convicted by the truth of his statement, the brothers forgave the offending monk.
Moses later became the leader of a monastic colony in the Western Desert, where he was ordained a priest. Around 405 AD, word came that they were soon to be attacked by Berbers. The monks wanted to take up arms and defend the monastery, but Moses forbade them to do so. He and seven others remained and greeted the attackers with hospitality. All eight men were martyred.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (and a Book Review)
Today we commemorate Augustine, Bishop of Hippo. Augustine's contributions to Christianity and Western philosophy are innumerable -- theologically he advanced the ideas of Divine Grace, the Invisible Church, Original Sin, Just War, etc., etc. Augustine also taught that the Bible was not to be interpreted as strictly literal, but could also be interpreted metaphorically -- particularly when it contradicts what we know from reason and science.
Last week I downloaded a copy of Ritva William's The Bible's Importance for the Church Today, one of the Augsburg Fortress Press "Lutheran Voices" books (for Kindle). The purpose of the book is to help readers re-discover and re-claim the distinctively Lutheran method of interpreting scripture -- and how this method can be an antidote to the either/or, conservative/liberal dichotomy that is all too common in contemporary Christian discourse. Williams discusses the interpretive methods of Judaism, The Early Christian Church, Paul, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Augustine, Luther, etc. in building her case, as well as how reactions to scientific, archeological and technological discoveries/advances took the Lutheran Church away from its traditional roots and led to misguided interpretations of scripture.
Here's a sample of what Williams says about Augustine:
"The vital element in any interpretation of scripture, Augustine declared, is its effect:
So if it seems to you that you have understood the scriptures, or any part of them, in such a way that by this understanding you do not build up the twin love of God and neighbor, then you have not yet understood them.
According to Augustine, the goal of reading, teaching or preaching the scriptures was to build up the love of God and neighbor. Any interpretation that did not aim for and achieve this demonstrated a lack of understanding. Failure to promote the twin love of God and neighbor was in Augustine's estimate, more pernicious than failing to explain accurately what a biblical author meant."
Last week I downloaded a copy of Ritva William's The Bible's Importance for the Church Today, one of the Augsburg Fortress Press "Lutheran Voices" books (for Kindle). The purpose of the book is to help readers re-discover and re-claim the distinctively Lutheran method of interpreting scripture -- and how this method can be an antidote to the either/or, conservative/liberal dichotomy that is all too common in contemporary Christian discourse. Williams discusses the interpretive methods of Judaism, The Early Christian Church, Paul, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Augustine, Luther, etc. in building her case, as well as how reactions to scientific, archeological and technological discoveries/advances took the Lutheran Church away from its traditional roots and led to misguided interpretations of scripture.
Here's a sample of what Williams says about Augustine:
"The vital element in any interpretation of scripture, Augustine declared, is its effect:
So if it seems to you that you have understood the scriptures, or any part of them, in such a way that by this understanding you do not build up the twin love of God and neighbor, then you have not yet understood them.
According to Augustine, the goal of reading, teaching or preaching the scriptures was to build up the love of God and neighbor. Any interpretation that did not aim for and achieve this demonstrated a lack of understanding. Failure to promote the twin love of God and neighbor was in Augustine's estimate, more pernicious than failing to explain accurately what a biblical author meant."
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Bartholomew, Apostle
Bartholomew was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. Caesarea's Ecclesiastical History claims that following the ascension he traveled in mission to India where he left behind a Gospel of Matthew. Along with Jude, Bartholomew is said to have brought Christianity to Armenia -- other traditions have him in mission in Mesopotamia, Parthia, Ethiopia etc. Bartholomew was supposedly martyred in Armenia. A popular version holds that he was flayed and crucified upside down. He was executed for allegedly converting the Armenian King Polymius to Christianity.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux
Bernard founded the Cisterian monastary, Clairvaux in 1115. There he preached that the Virgin Mary was the primary intercessor (mediatrix) with the divine -- one of the most important developments (mariology) of the church during the twelfth century. He was a "Doctor of the Church," participating in the Council of Troyes where he was instrumental in founding the Rule of the Knights Templar. He was a peacemaker, defender of the faith and an advisor to Kings. In 1146 he was asked by the Pope to preach the Second Crusade, which he did to an enormous crowd with the King of France present. The response was overwhelming -- from the common man as well as royalty. Fervent crusade preaching by a fanatical monk led to the persecution of Jews in Rhineland, Cologne, Worms, etc. Distressed by this news, Bernard traveled personally to Germany to find, confront and silence the monk. The Second Crusade was a failure, a burden Bernard carried until his death in 1153.